Embody YOUR Power with PSYCH-K®

"Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”
~ Henry Ford

See Sessions

FAQ and General PSYCH-K® Info:

  • What is PSYCH-K® ?

    PSYCH-K®  is a set of facilitated processes that center around helping people recognize and rewrite any limiting belief programs that operate like the software in their subconscious mind.  Just like computers need upgrades, we too need to update our programming in order to best adapt to the continual changes occurring all around us.  The primary intention is to give a person a way to directly communicate with all three levels of their minds (subconscious, conscious, and super conscious/higher self).  This allows one to identify the outdated and often defeating beliefs/programs, and upgrade them with supportive and life enhancing ones.  The processes within PSYCH-K®   are safe and effective for anyone ready to be honest with themselves in order to create truly meaningful change for themselves and the world around them.  As stated by PSYCH-K®  Centre International; “The overall mission of PSYCH-K®  is to nurture sacred global evolution”.

  • When and how did PSYCH-K® begin?

    It was originated in 1988 by Robert M. Williams M.A. as a result of intuitive insights that developed

    during his many years as a psychotherapist.  See psych-k.com for more in depth history.

  • What happens in a PSYCH-K® session?

    At your scheduled time, we will meet over the phone, online video chat, or in person to talk about the limiting beliefs you have identified and want to prioritize changing. Together, we will work through a series of different processes, including goal setting, muscle testing, subconscious clarification, and any number of whole brain integration exercises; all of which will support you to actually create the change for yourself. This combination of resources within a PSYCH-K®  session is referred to as a Balance. Each Balance enables you to re-pattern the programmed beliefs in your subconscious mind, to open to new perceptions, and give you far greater access to what you and your higher self/super conscious mind knows is truly best for you.

  • How long does a session last?

    Allow 90 minutes for your initial session to get accustomed to the processes. Subsequent sessions are an hour and 15 minutes, unless you want or need more time. See Private Sessions for details.

  • What is your personal investment?

    Your focus, time, and clear intentions before, during and after your sessions are your most valuable investments. Please sincerely consider this when choosing your scheduled times.

    Single sessions are $145

    Package of 3 sessions “THE TRINITY PACK” is $390 = $130 each & $45 savings

    Package of 10 sessions “TOTAL RESET” is $1300  + 11th session free!

    *Tax included in prices.

    See Private Sessions for further details.

  • Is PSYCH-K® is right for me?

    PSYCH-K® is a good fit for you if you are ready to release the old, and embrace meaningful new change for yourself.

    AND, if you are ready to:

    • Feel more grounded, centered, clear, and connected
    • Feel less tense and/or anxious
    • Have more clarity and confidence
    • Better adapt to change
    • Feel better overall and better about yourself
    • Increase your ability to perceive new possibilities
    • Have more energy on all levels
    • Feel more present in your life
    • Better understand and accept yourself and others
    • Empower yourself through forgiveness
    • Improve dynamics within all of your relationships
    • Have greater actualization of whatever success means to you
    • Enjoy your life more!

Meet Bruce Lipton

Bruce Lipton,Ph.D, stem cell biologist, and author of The Biology of Belief, explains why and how our thoughts not only affect, but direct the outcome of our lives.

Hi, I'm Beth
I am currently loving life here in Taos, New Mexico, with my husband, fur babies, beloved friends, and parents.

Since adolescence I have explored numerous branches in the tree of healing arts, focused primarily on our self healing capabilities. Through song, bodywork, natural and preventive wellness, health and lifestyle coaching, and moving meditation practices, I've deepened my faith in believing that we truly are amazing creatures, capable of incredible renewal and regeneration!

Of all the aspects of our existence, I feel that focusing on self care-trust-love and respect is the most important. I am infinitely curious, and striving to learn, integrate, and grow from all of life's circumstances. My greatest source of joy and passion in this life is seeing others truly step into their own self worth and magnificence. 

Let's Connect

Let’s find a time to talk about what’s on your mind, and answer any questions or curiosities you may have. 
Book a FREE 15 minute Consultation by clicking the button below. 
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My journey into PSYCH-K® 

About six weeks after my only sibling Grant left his body at age 42, I was t-boned in a major car accident. In the aftermath, I disassociated from my body, felt my life turn gray, and my vitality weaken. Intense self judgement, and deeply internalized grief and regrets overwhelmed me. It seemed I was living somewhere between immense discomfort and total numbness, and after 20+ years in the massage profession, I could no longer work. I felt truly disconnected from the life I loved so dearly. One could say it was a true “dark night of the soul” experience/passage.

After a couple of months of experiencing some improvement from treatments of massage, acupuncture, therapy, and chiropractic care, my life was still quite dim. I just couldn’t seem to get out of the downward spiral, and I was subconsciously condemning myself for not bouncing back. It was then that my friend offered to do a PSYCH-K® Balance with me over the phone. Almost immediately after this remote session, the light began to return to my life. I felt more present in my body, more clear in my mind, and more warmth in my heart. A couple of weeks later we did another Balance together, and again, the beneficial effects were almost immediate. It was subtle at first, and then with increasing measure, I just kept feeling better and better. In the weeks and months that followed, my life continued to fill with color, and my joy, strength and vitality returned. I was so very enriched by, and thankful for the power, presence and support I felt from life itself! Just by shifting my patterned thinking, and embracing new perceptions, I was truly alive in my life again!

So, with this new found energy, inspiration and curiosity, I began training and learning how to facilitate the PSYCH-K® processes myself. I first trained with Rob Williams, the founder of PSYCH-K®, right here in Taos, and completed the rest of my training with Karen McKy, who I genuinely treasure. I have grown deeply in love with, and grateful for the sacred and infinite body of work this is. I am honored to be offering of this highly effective and deeply transformative self healing tool to you.

“We can’t solve a problem from the level of thinking that created it.” 

~ Albert Einstein

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